Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm back

So I can't believe a week's gone by already.  We've been busy everyday, although thinking back it's hard for me to remember what we were doing.  JC was introduced to Santa for the first time and he was so cute and well behaved.  We even managed a picture with a half smile.  He's also been napping in his crib a lot better, although I find that I still want to rock him and continue to cuddle with him while he sleeps.  Each time he falls asleep in my arms it's an inner battle over whether I should attempt the transfer.  The "no" side usually wins.  Heck, I figure he's only so small for so long; why pass up an opportunity to hold him for 45 min?

On the other side of things, though, I've found myself missing work over the past week or so.  I love hanging out with JC, but there are only so many cycles of eat, play, sleep, repeat that someone can do day after day before it starts to get tedious at times.  I feel that if I had a few days during the week where I did something else, I'd be more likely to appreciate how wonderful the JC time is.  But unfortunately with my mat leave payments I can't actually do any work without losing out on pay.  So basically I'd be working for free and somehow that doesn't sit well with me!  I'm also guessing that this minor boredom is also temporary.  JC is already starting to play with his toys more and once he can sit and play by himself in an exersaucer or something, life will get a lot easier and I'll probably be dreading going back to work!  So I'll stick it out now and focus on the present moment, not what I'm missing out on or what things will be like in the future. Right now I have a beautiful baby cuddled into the crook of my arm as he sleeps.  Truly, I can't think of much else that's better than that!

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