Wednesday, May 23, 2012

20 things I love about my baby

To JC, there are so many things I love about you!  Here are 20. 
1. I love the giggle you make when I turn your walker around, right before you take off across the living room floor for the millionth time.
2. I love the burst of oxytocin that I get as soon as we start to nurse.  The only way I can describe the feeling is pure joy.  And if I’m thinking about something I have to do later in the day, it’s a feeling of eager anticipation and the sense that things will be a splendid success.  It’s an incredible hormone. 
3. I love the way you make your mouth into an “o” shape, and go “Oh!”  Hard to describe in words, but so cute.
4. I love the way that now, when you’re tired, you put your thumb in your mouth and you nestle your head in the crook of my neck.  Divine!
5. I love the way you’re starting to feed yourself pieces of toast, fruit, and veggies.
6. I love the smile you give me in the morning when you wake up.
7. I love the way you clap your hands.
8. I love that you will clap your hands if I say, “Clap, clap, clap!” 
9. I love that you sleep from 7:30 until 7 or 7:30.
10. I love that occasionally you’ll sleep in until 8 when I have to wake you up.
11. I love that occasionally, we’ll fall asleep together while we’re nursing.
12. I love the way you smile when you see the cats (or the vitamin d bottle), and that you try to give one of the cats love, even though he might not see it that way!
13. I love the smile you give when your daddy gets home.
14. I love that you smile when the garage door opens.
15. I love that you smile with your whole face and that it lights up even your eyes.
16. I love that you are growing into a beautiful, kind, and sociable person.  I can’t wait to see the person you’ll become.
17. I love that you let others hold you, but that you reach for me after a few minutes.
18. I love that you’ll give everyone a smile.
19. I love that whenever we take you on a trip, you surprise us by being so easy-going and easy to handle, and that you sleep well.
20. I love that you are the most beautiful baby I have ever seen and I am so unbelievably happy and grateful that you’re mine.  

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