Thursday, November 17, 2011


So I partied mom-style last night.  I went to a stitch-n-bitch party, where I learned to knit, drank water, and chatted with some other lovely moms.  And I was out till ... 10pm!  I mean I didn't even get home until 10:20 and after I pumped I got into bed at 10:30!  Nowadays this is the equivalent of being out at the club till the wee hours (in my former life).  Boy did JC make me pay for it though.  First he decides to wake up at 1am, and then he proceeds to wake up every two hours from there.  Totally unlike him and tough for me without having taken advantage of most of his first six hour stretch.  I'm definitely feeling it today. Still, the event was fun enough that I'll do it all again the next time ... I can take being (extra) tired for a day.  Hmm sounds like a familiar refrain from my early university days.  Of course then I wasn't partying with yarn!

By the way, I'm totally into knitting now!  I'm making a blanket and will post early pics as soon as JC gets up from his nap.  I'm hoping that my mom genes will fire strong enough that I'll actually complete the project.  Many a half-finished project was cruelly abandoned by me in my youth.  But I'm much more mature now.  Right?  Right.

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