Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hey, I know you!

"You will get to know your baby and what he needs." I heard it many times throughout my pregnancy, but I don't think I really believed it.  How would I be able to discriminate between a hunger cry and a tired cry?  Maybe other mothers can do it but not me.  Well, turns out (again) that they were right.  I CAN indeed tell the difference between JC needing food and needing a nap, and I have to say that it's one of the best feelings when I'm bang on with my timing.

Take this morning, for example.  JC was up fully awake at 5 am.  After a few minutes of trying in vain to coax him back to sleep ("please don't make me get up before the sun does!  Don't you know I'm on mat leave?"), I gave up and started to play with him.  It was laughs and giggles for twenty minutes or so when I suddenly noticed that his laugh was just slightly flatter than it had been, his movements minisculey slower.  I never would have noticed these changes back in august, but now, 3.5 months in, I'm tuned in.  In a split second I had him into his sleep sack and nestled into the crook of my arm.  Within the minute, he was passed out and I eased him onto the mattress and the two of us took a beautiful 45 min nap together, with me feeling like mother of the year for reading him so well.  It doesn't happen like this every time, but it does happen more and more often as the weeks pass and we get to know each other better and better.  What a wonderful thing motherhood is!

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