Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sleeping arrangements

It's 9:05pm, and for the first time in almost three months, I'm sitting in bed and my baby is sleeping in his own room.  We initially put him in his nursery for the first two nights we were home from the hospital, but on the third day, during a routine phone call with the public health nurse, we were told that babies are supposed to sleep in their parents' room for the first six months!  Now, I don't think that six months of the baby sleeping in our room is necessary, or probably good for any of us, so we always figured we'd move him out after a few months.  

Well, that day has come, and I'm feeling mixed emotions about it.  On the one hand, I'm excited to be taking this next step, and I think it will be great in terms of reconnecting with my husband.  When the baby was in our room, I would start the bedtime routine of a bath, cuddle, and feed at 7pm and he would be asleep by 8 at the latest.  Then I would stay in the room chilling with my laptop while my husband was downstairs.  By the time he would come up at 10 or so, I'd be asleep.  So really, we've been only seeing each other for an hour or so in the evenings, and that's just not enough time with someone I love!  Now it's after 9 and I'm a) still awake, b) still chilling on my laptop, but my husband is here in bed with me, and we're not having to whisper or keep all the lights off.  This is the height of luxury for me these days!  

On the other hand though, I'm feeling a little bit sad and scared.  Sad, because I'm actually missing my little guy.  Apparently spending every moment of the day with him isn't enough...a part of me wants him sleeping next to me as well.  And, look, when he's not with me, I'm writing about him anyway.  I'm also feeling a little scared because, although it's completely irrational, I'm worried that something will happen to him in his room that sooooo faaaaar down the hall.  I have my little angel care monitor set up and I'm not hearing anything, which should be a good thing but is actually worrying me!  Of course, if I was hearing him stir, that would worry me too.  There's no winning in the first-time mom world.  

But, I know that this is a good move, and that babies have been sleeping in their own rooms for centuries (well, I don't actually know that, but I think thats probably true, right?), and the whole reason we decided to move him today was because I was talking with a doctor friend of mine whose four-month-old baby has been sleeping in his own room since he was ten days old.  If it's good enough for her (and all the other mom friends I've talked to), it should be good enough for us too.  I probably won't get a lot of sleep tonight, and I'll be jumping at every little sound (or lack thereof), but with time, this should get easier.  And really, the only way to conquer irrational thoughts is to put them to the test.  Little bit of anxiety up front for big time benefits down the road?  I'm going for it!  Wish us luck!

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