Saturday, October 29, 2011

A breakfast success story

Well we did it!  We successfully went out for breakfast with JC!  Yes, we scarfed down our food for fear that any moment he would lose it (I think we clocked in and out at less than 20 minutes), but he was surprisingly good and we were out of there without any crying.  It may have been super exciting for him too because he's passed out in his car seat (which he hates) and I'm sitting in the car in our garage writing this on my iPhone.  No way am I waking this little sweetheart!

It's actually a really great feeling to be able to do something that we used to do so regularly.  No, we couldn't dawdle, having cup after cup of coffee while we talked about our weeks.  This time I didn't even finish my first cup (of decaf!), and there wasn't a lot of talking in the split seconds between mouthfuls, but hopefully this is just a start.  As of today, eating at a restaurant is no longer a pipe dream but instead it's a full-fledged reality!  And it only opens up the possibility that other things may be in our reach.  Maybe I could attempt a movie (not just during the "mommy and baby" showtimes).  Maybe I can try shopping and go to more than one store (that's currently my record).  Obviously having a baby changes my life a great deal but maybe I don't have to give everything else up?  It's a beautiful and comforting thought!

By the way, just as an update, JC has made it through two nights sleeping in his own room!  The first he slept for an eight-hour stretch and last night it was seven hours.  So I would say things are going pretty well. I watched the monitor like a hawk the first night, but I was already more easy going by the next night.  I think we're on a good path here.  Not to mention last night I actually enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay with my husband after the baby was in bed. Bliss!  The only challenge is he has woken up at 5am both nights (so only an hour after his night feed) crying and I've taken him into bed for a cuddle/feed/nap both times. Not sure what that's all about since he can't possibly be hungry (the night feed is the biggest one as I've got Dolly Parton boobs to work with). Hopefully it will sort itself out, but even if it doesn't, it's not the biggest challenge we've hit! 

I'm feeling really great. Maybe I'll ask my husband to watch JC and I'll hit the mall for a couple of hours (gasp!).

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